Friday, October 9, 2015

Signs Indicating That You Need a New Phone

As the second year of having your phone is approaching, you begin to notice those annoying glitches constantly occurring. Your phone keeps freezing, your storage is hitting its capacity, texts and phone calls aren’t going through… Yup! It’s time for a new cell phone.

Battery Life Dies Quickly

This is normally one of the first signs that your phone is at its wits end. When I’m carrying my cell phone charger with me I know it’s time to start saving for a new phone. I’ve noticed this happens every 2 years of having the phone. As your phone gets older it uses a lot more energy to stay running. 

Seed Decreases

There is nothing more frustrating than waiting almost 10 minutes to open up your webpage. Now that technology is at its peak we are used to getting information within seconds!  Over time, your once speedy phone will feel slower than a dial-up modem. Think of it as the aging process for electronics: cruft from cache files builds up, new software requires more processor horsepower and memory, and the whole thing slows to a crawl. To help keep your phone be as nimble as possible, make sure you have plenty of free space — delete unneeded apps and move your storage to the cloud. You can also shut down extras like animated backgrounds that can sap processor power.” -Yahoo Tech: 5 Signs You need a new Phone

 Your Storage is hitting its Capacity

Not matter what you do, your storage seems to be hitting its max. You can delete pictures, videos, apps and even buy more storage… you still get that pop-up “Storage almost Full”. “Despite your efforts to free up space on your phone, you can't seem to find enough storage. This will especially be a problem for phones with 8GB or 16GB of storage — as games and other apps get more sophisticated, they required more space on your phone's storage.” - Yahoo Tech: 5 Signs You need a new Phone

Low Quality for Videos and Pictures

“The cameras on our phones might be the most-used function. And chances are you're probably using your smartphone as your sole camcorder to shoot everyday video. A scratched lens will leave marks on every photo you take. If you have an older phone, the camera probably isn't up to snuff. Plus, the resolution and lenses on current models rival the best point-and-shoot cameras on the market.” Yahoo Tech: 5 Signs You need a new Phone. Well, now you REALLY have to get a new phone! Who wants to take a bad selfie?

Continuous Unknown Callers

“Congratulations you just won a free cruise vacation to the Bahamas!”…Sound familiar? Thought so. As your phone is slowing dying so is its security. Unfortunately scammers and hackers get a hold of your phone number and persistently call claiming you won a grand prize or even worse steal your identity. When something like this happens make sure you visit a reverse phone number lookup cell phone free! Cell phone lookup reverse is really convenient, it allows you to confidentially search that unknown annoying caller. Reverse cell phone lookup free definitely comes in handy to have.

Conveniently you’re due for an upgrade! (A Coincidence? Yeah, sure...) If you’re experiencing any of these malfunctions, definitely consider buying a new phone. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Are You an Easy Target for Hackers? Tips to Protect Your Identity

 As technology continues to advance, it is unfortunate that criminals are finding a new way to “break-in”. They are targeting vulnerable people and major US companies who aren’t prepared for this type of crime. Particularly JP Morgan and Sony have been victims of hacking scandals, they lost millions of dollars. Cyber-attacks on major US companies and financial institutions aren't likely to slow down this year, which means consumers will continue to find themselves targeted by increasingly brazen cyber-criminals. –HUFF POST TECH, Michael Gregg. 

A lot of people think that these “cyber-attacks” are inevitable. They think that if it happens, then there was absolutely nothing they could have done to prevent it- NOT TRUE! Always keep your personal information protected, especially if it is online. Once someone’s identity is stolen, it causes years of frustration and possibly devastation as well. It is honestly a real hassle that is completely preventable. It cannot be expressed enough!  
It is absolutely critical for people to take a cautious approach to protect themselves from these cyber-attackers, hackers, spammers or whatever you want to call these criminals. Here are a few tips to keep you protected:
Create a Strong Password
It is a common mistake to make your password easy enough for you to remember- WRONG! Never make this mistake again. Make your password at least ten characters long, do not reuse your password for multiple accounts and try and change your password every few months. Hackers have a strategy to crack the code. Having a strong password will make you less of a target.
Backup your data
Backing-up your data is one of the best ways to protect yourself. If you don’t do so, these hackers can gain access to your personal information like: pictures, documents and so much more. It might not sound like such a big deal, however this is a huge violation. “Cyber-criminals are increasingly using "ransomware" to victimize consumers.” –HUFF POST TECH, Michael Gregg.  Criminals are using those files as ransom.
Have available access to reverse phone lookup

Reverse cell phone lookup is great to have, it allows you to uncover who those persistent unknown callers are.  Believe it or not a lot of those callers are scams trying to gain access into your phone. It’s really scary and invasive. Reverse phone lookup cell free is very convenient, you never know when you’re going to need it. Reverse lookup cell phone number allows you to search an unknown callers without them knowing. Just keep in mind if these totally freereverse cellphone lookup with names are advertised as free that itself is a red flag. A legitimate one will cost a few dollars, it will not break the bank. If you chose to have your information private, you can easily do so as well at Hero Reverse Cell Phone Lookup.
Always remember to keep every bit of information secured and private. The hassle of dealing with identity theft is major and takes years to finally recover from it. You can ever be too careful!  

Monday, October 5, 2015

Reverse Cell Phone Lookup For Your Safety

What happens when the creeps in your life come out? We’ve all been there…having some fun on Facebook, accepting this friend request and that one. The more naïve among us don’t really give much thought to stalkers. And the stalkers can be people from our past, or a person we just spoke to at a bar that we unfortunately gave our real name to! It happens all the time. Then that person pulls up Facebook, types in your last name – and before you know it – you get a friend request from someone who you’d rather forget.

Stalking a serious threat, whether you’re a celebrity, or just a mom going to the grocery store. Online cyber stalking is a real crime. According to a article, “Cyberstalking is the online version of and is often an extension of offline stalking.”

1. There is some debate about exactly what behaviors constitute as cyberstalking; however, a common definition is “an escalated form of online harassment directed at a specific person that causes substantial emotional distress and serves no legitimate purpose. The action is to annoy, alarm, and emotionally abuse another person.”
2 Perpetrators utilize social media accounts, publicly accessible information and sometimes illegally accessed information to learn more about their targets. The perpetrators may also spread rumors and misinformation to discredit or intimidate them. Regardless of the methods used, cyberstalking is an online crime that disrupts lives, instills fear, and if taken offline may result in physical violence to the targeted victim.
3 The growth of the Internet, a multitude of social media websites, and the proliferation of information available online creates new arenas that cyberstalkers use to hunt and terrorize their victims. Those new arenas combined with advancements in technology that allow individuals to access social media accounts and the Internet at large from any location, lead to a situation in which victims of cyberstalking may experience constant bullying and/or harassment.
4 Cyberstalkers may obtain personal information about their victims (e.g., home address, phone number) from the Internet and utilize this information to meet their victims in person.

How can you stop this type of harassment in its tracks? A great place to start is with a reverse cell phone number lookup for cell like Hero Reverse Phone Lookup. Many go from online to a disruptive calls, and most people don’t realize in how many areas their cell phone numbers are listed. This innovative website allows you to put a phone number into a website and get instantaneous information on the unknown contact who called you. With Hero, you get different price options for one report or an annual fee for unlimited amounts of lookups.

Is a free phone reverse phone lookup on a cell available? Some companies may give you one report for free, but that’s just a hook. Do your research. It’s common for additional reports to cost. You’re looking for a reputable company with a one-time cost and no additional fees. If a free cell phone reverse lookup sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

There are a lot of scams on the market. Make sure to go with a reputable company, no matter what the product. This is especially true with technology.

Unwanted harassment online, on a phone or in person is a real and scary threat among many people. With Hero Reverse Phone Lookup, if a person that you’d rather forget suddenly contacts you on your cell phone, now you can immediately get the facts and answers you want on this person. Then you can begin the process of removing him or her from your life. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why Reverse Cell Phone Lookup is Necessary

“People turn to reverse phone directories for important reasons like (1) to find out who’s behind an unknown number that came up on the caller ID, (2) to find out who their kids are hanging out with, (3) to find out background information about their new date, or even (4) to find out if their spouses are cheating on them. When the information they’re looking for is that important, it’s critical that he or she is given accurate results.” -Yahoo Finance News. It is very true, you will never know when a website like this can come in handy. Overall it is important to have straight forward information within minutes. Free reverse cell phone lookup is extremely convenient!

Some may ask, why use reverse cell phone lookup, if using a search engine is just as good… Not true! If you’re curious to know who the unknown number is, searching a phone number on google may not be a direct hit nor can it give you all the information you’d like. It is a lot more promising to do a reverse cell phone lookup. Hero Reverse Phone Lookup is a guaranteed direct hit! You can easily locate an unknown number without them knowing. “In principle, the Reverse cell phone lookup is like the Google of phone lookup Web pages -- just enter the phone number you want to reverse engineer and click Lookup.” – Johnson, David. “Reverse Phone Lookup service is free and simple.” CBS Money Watch. Reverse cell phone lookup free with name is an amazing tool!

“A free reverse cell phone lookup is difficult to come across, I am not even sure it is even possible. Unfortunately, reverse cell phone lookup is one of the new kinds of online searches that it’s almost impossible to get for free.” –CBS Money Watch. There are quite a few Reverse cell phone lookup websites that have a monthly charge, however Hero Reverse Phone Lookup has a one-time charge. You have the option of being a Premium Member for a one-time cost a year or just paying for a one-time reverse search.

What’s so great about this, is that you are extremely likely to get a full report on a cell phone or landline. As I mentioned, with Google you aren’t likely to find any information. I have also tried Facebook, but not many people connect their phone number to their social media accounts and not everyone has a Facebook account. I found that having a reverse cell phone lookup website to be the most convenient; it avoids the hassle of digging deeper and deeper within assumed results to ultimately come out with nothing- It’s really annoying. Hero gets straight to the point, within seconds you’ll be provided with a complete report.

I find a website like this very helpful, and with my personal experience I feel like it give me a peace of mind. Getting an unexpected and unknown call simultaneously is just creepy.  I hate the thought of a stranger having my number. I am a very private person, so getting these unknown calls really aggravate me. Because I am such a private person I chose to conceal my information. All I had to pay was less than $5.00, it is very worth it and it costs so little.

Having Hero Reverse Phone Lookup came in very handy. It is a purchase that is worth every penny! After a month of having it I can definitely say, it pays for itself! I love having access to reverse cell phone lookup free with name at any time I want.

Friday, September 25, 2015

“Virtual Kidnapping” in the U.S and Rising in New York

Virtual kidnapping is an invasive new trend reoccurring throughout the United States, especially in New York. Con artist are calling innocent families, claiming to have their relative captive and asking for ransom money. According to NBC’s News Article: FBI, NYPD Warn of "Virtual Kidnapping" Scam Calls, “Agents say that hundreds of people in the New York City metropolitan region have been victimized by the scam recently. The FBI says that the scammers don't actually kidnap anyone, but use co-conspirators to convince their victims that a loved one is in danger.”  New York’s FBI Assistant Director, George Venizelos states- “This is a scheme that takes advantage of some of the most vulnerable people in New York City.” Keep a look out for area codes outside of New York, there have been a few reverse number lookups found with Puerto Rico’s area code.

Here’s a good heads up- “Callers will typically provide the victim with specific instructions to ensure safe return of the allegedly kidnapped individual. In some cases, these instructions involve demands of a ransom payment. Callers are ordered to stay on the phone until the money is wired, often to a third party in Puerto Rico. Most schemes use various techniques to instill a sense of fear, panic, and urgency in an effort to rush the victim into making a very hasty decision. Instructions usually require the ransom payment be made immediately and typically by wire transfer using companies such as Western Union. The requested ransom payments are for varied amounts, usually between $600 to $1,900. In addition, once a payment is made, the alleged kidnappers often claim the money was not received and tells the victims that they need to wire additional money. The perpetrators of this scam appear to be Hispanic males and often speak with a Spanish accent.” –

With the culmination of technology, it is unfortunate that people are taking advantage of the advancements. These scammers have target victims, before their initial threat call, they do an extensive search on innocent families- an extremely invasive procedure.

Taking precaution is never a bad idea, and it’s always good to be one step ahead of the game. There is a reverse number lookup website, it gives full access to reports on these unknown callers. Keep in mind area codes (like787, 939 and 853) come from Puerto Rico and are a big target.

With the reverse number lookup website, you are given the opportunity to conceal any available reports making you less of a target to these con artists.

After hearing and reading the warnings on “virtual kidnapping” I am happy to say that I am an unlimited member on Hero Reverse Phone Lookup. It comes in handy for scary times like this. I would hate to be one of their victims, I can’t imagine the emotion experienced… and to find out that it was all a scam to take their hard earned money. This is definitely something to be aware of.  


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Who’s On The Other End? Now You Find Out With Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Let’s face it – these are scary digital times. How we communicate is a great technological achievement, but it can also come with consequences. How does our relationship with our cell phones affect our relationships with everyone in our life? Our cell phones connect us to the people we need or love, but sometimes others communicate with us who we want no part of.

Did you ever think you’d need a powerful phone number look up? Here’s why you might.
According to a article, Nearly two-thirds of Americans are now smartphone owners, and for many these devices are a key entry point to the online world.” The article goes on to say: “In all, one-in-five American adults (19%) indicate that at least one of those conditions apply to them, and 7% of the public says that both of these conditions apply — that is, they do not have broadband access at home, and also have relatively few options for getting online other than their cell phone.”

These days, we rely on our cell phones for everything. But what happens when we feel harassed by all this technology and convenience? A great majority of people don’t even answer the phone when someone calls us and we don’t recognize that number. Not in my contact list? Forget – not answering. Let it go to voice mail. Then we check that voice mail at a more convenient time. But what if you’re looking for an instant relief to your worry? What if you need to know now?!

Our social media newsfeeds are chock full of scary stories about people who were contacted under false pretenses – scams on the elderly, harassing exes, and even something as innocent as job hunting! Many innocents simply looking for a new job are contacted by headhunters in other states that suddenly have all of their personal information.

And as easy as it is to pay bills, send emails, job search, and so much more…all of this oversharing can lead to that one moment when you have that scary unknown call. Maybe that call comes while you’re in a meeting. Maybe that call happens when you’re out to dinner. Maybe that call happens when you’re walking home in the dark by yourself. Who is this person? Why are they bothering me? Suddenly, you may find yourself needing a phone number lookup to find out exactly who it is.

Enter Hero Reverse Phone Lookup. Now you can find out exactly who’s on the other end. With this fantastic service, you can find out not only the person who’s calling, but also their location and basic information.
Have more than one number harassing you? This fantastic phone number lookup service gives you the option of a one-time report, or a full year premium membership for unlimited searches.

In the end, we have ourselves to blame. Why? Many of us don’t even realize how many times we put our personal cell phone number out there! We use our personal cell phone numbers for every email sign-up and retail service out there. No wonder we’re getting calls from people and businesses we don’t recognize.

But with Hero, you’ll never be in the dark again.

Here’s Why You’ll Love a Reverse Phone Lookup

Did you ever get a phone call or text from a random number? Are you left wondering who it may be on the other end? I found a mobile phone search website to be very convenient. It allows me to find the owner of any unlisted number I am curious about. The results include name, address, carrier and other information.  It is very simple to use: just enter the phone number, and within seconds the report will be available for you to review. Your search is confidential, and the user will never know that the search took place. I definitely like that feature, because I sure didn’t want that person to find out I was searching their number.

If you decide to “investigate” further, Hero Reverse Phone Lookup offers a Premium Membership for $39.95. That provides you with a full phone report, unlimited people searches and basic reverse phone lookups for one year. Another option you have is a one-time payment charge of $14.95, and this gives you the full report for one particular phone number. You also have the option to make your personal data private for a one-time fee of $4.95. That allows you to remove your personal information from public data sources, so that others cannot access it.

There are NEVER any reoccurring fees or monthly memberships! And if by any chance results are not found for your phone search, the expert staff will assist you in locating the record. If records still cannot be located, you will receive an instant refund. I personally went with the unlimited membership and made my personal data private.

Hero Reverse Phone Lookup became very useful for me, because I kept getting random phone calls. The first time I answered, it turned out to be the person I was looking to avoid… I blocked them. A couple of days later it happened another time, but with a different number. I blocked the number yet again. Believe it or not, it became a reoccurring circumstance; however, I wasn’t able to determine whether it would be that particular person or an important call from an expected job. Eventually I researched “phone number lookup” on google and came across this site. As I mentioned, I went with the unlimited membership, and was able to figure out that those reoccurring calls were in fact from the person I was avoiding. This allowed me to take further action.

I am very happy that I came across Hero Reverse Phone Lookup. It allowed me to make clarification to the persistent calls. The cost is minimal and well worth every penny.  Even though I don’t need to use it as much, I like knowing that it is easily available to me. Unknown numbers aren’t so scary anymore, because I can quickly search and figure out who called. Another feature that I appreciate is having the ability to hide all my personal information. If someone researched my number, under no circumstance will they be able to find anything on me.